The Weekend Files: Where to Day Trip from Madrid

The Monastery of San Lorenzo de El Escorial

The Monastery of San Lorenzo de El Escorial

Happy Friday (and bank holiday Friday to my auxiliares) everyone! I’m back with another edition of The Weekend Files with some great ideas of places to visit on a short day trip or weekend trip from Madrid. I hope you decide to hit the road this weekend!

The Roman Aqueduct of Segovia

The Roman Aqueduct of Segovia

One of the best parts about living in Madrid is its proximity to so many other places in Spain. Madrid is smack in the middle of the country, so it’s easy to get to ancient small towns within a short driving distance, or larger cities via a 4 or 5 hour bus or train ride. I’m a huge fan of the road/day/weekend trip so I’ve made sure to visit a few of the pueblos that surround Madrid that have much more of an old-world feel like SegoviaChinchón and El Escorial, as well as gone hiking in the mountains in Cercedilla (where I’ve also heard is a great place to ski!).

I still have a few other places on my list that I want to hit like Toledo and Avila, but that didn’t stop me from penning a piece about Where to Day Trip from Madrid for Check it out!

Have you visited any of the places in my story? Where do you go for a weekend trip from your hometown? Let me know below!

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