While I know that blogging rule number one is to never apologize for not writing when life gets in the way, I’m just gonna go ahead and break that rule and explain myself. Here’s why I haven’t written a single word on this blog in more than ten months.
I would in no way classify my Semana Santa trip as a raving success. By the time it was over, I was exhausted, pissed at the world and in need of complete isolation. Of course, it wasn’t all bad. I saw some beautiful places and met some amazing people...
Alright ya’ll! In less than a week, the application period for the Auxiliares de Conversación will close on April 1, and if you’re anything like I was, you applied months ago. However, if you’re still on the fence, hop to it! The waiting period is freaking awful and I spent...
There are so many fears that arise when you decide to move abroad, and one very real fear that no one talks about is the fear that something tragic will happen at home while you are away. Although all of my family and friends were in good health before...
First, I must apologize for the lapse in posting. After arriving to Madrid from the US, I was hit with a heavy case of jet lag that left me disoriented and always looking for the next moment when I could sleep. Then I contracted some sort of stomach bug...
Alright. It’s time for me to cut the crap. While Spain is beautiful and my life seems completely together on paper, I would be lying through my key strokes if I were to sit here and tell you all that everything is as perfect as it seems on Instagram....
In my experience, apartment hunting is always incredibly frustrating and Madrid proved to be no different! Luckily, at this point in my life, I know when and when not to settle, so I was able to find an incredible apartment at the expense of only a few tears and...
Exactly one month from today, I will board a flight to Madrid to start a new life. I can’t believe I just wrote that. Over the past few weeks I’ve heard multiple versions of the same question “OMG aren’t you so excited??” Sure, I’m excited, but the truth is,...
I’ve hinted at something big for a while now, but it’s finally time for me to announce the worst-kept secret in history. I’m moving to Madrid, Spain!
Before I launch into my various posts about the beautiful country of Fiji*, I wanted to talk about a subject near to my heart and one that will be of great importance to me in a few months (hint hint!). There’s been some recent negative press about the dangers of traveling abroad...