My path to travel writing was not linear at all, but through all of my various careers, there have always been two constants: a love for traveling and a love for storytelling. I was very fortunate as a child to have parents that had both the financial means and...
*cracks knuckles* You know what, friends? Let’s just jump right in. I’ve wanted to restart my blog for literally years, but the idea of cracking open that door again and trying to update you all on my life over the past nearly three years was incredibly daunting. Even though...
Hi! I wanted to make sure all you lovely travelers got a chance to see my latest post for The Flairist before heading on your holiday journeys! Here are a few of my tips for staying healthy this holiday travel season. Enjoy! xx
New online magazine alert!!! I wanted to quickly let you guys know that I just started contributing to a new publication called The Flairist – an online website and career portal for young, ambitious women. Here’s a look at their mission statement: To take the shame out of female...
The above statements are completely unrelated other than the fact that they were highs and lows of my day on Wednesday. Let’s start with the low. As you can see I haven’t written since last Friday and that is due to the fact that my laptop has decided to pick...
Friday! I can’t remember the last time I was so happy to see you! Ha, kidding…we all know it was last week at this time. Anyway, I wanted to start out this Friday by sharing some love. I come across so many wonderful blogs by incredibly talented ladies (sorry guys!...
Follow my blog with Bloglovin! Also, let me know if you think there are some blogs I should check out! Thanks 🙂
I am so happy to be spending this weekend at home in New York. I feel like I’ve been nonstop for the past few weeks and I just need time to spend alone to practice some self-care and just relax, watch movies, write, and maaaaaybe run a few errands before...
I hope everyone is having a fantastic weekend! Of course I meant to write this yesterday thinking that I’d have time to send out some weekend love before boarding a bus home to DC from NYC, but after leaving the city an hour and a half late and waiting...