There’s a hurricane a’comin!!! Yes yes, hurricane Sandy is currently blasting New York City with high winds and rain, but I feel like a kid who’s had a snow day. As a result of the storm, New York City shut down the subway system, all bus routes, and trains, making it very hard for public transportation-dependent New Yorkers to get to their jobs. The city has also been divided into specific zones, highlighting the areas expected to receive the most damage. Zone A covers all low-lying areas and areas near water, i.e. the areas most likely to flood, and are under a mandatory evacuation. My apartment is located in a neighborhood called Hudson Square near the Hudson River and is technically in Zone A. As my apartment is just barely in Zone A, I decided not to evacuate and ride out the storm. Here’s a map below of my general neighborhood (Hudson Square) and what the different zones look like:
So as I mentioned, New Yorkers couldn’t get to their offices today, forcing most of us to work from our homes (no free days off in this city!). That said, I yearn for this “work from home” lifestyle for many reasons. Particularly the fact that I could use my lunch break to go hurricane exploring! As I knew the storm would not get bad until later on (I could see cabs and joggers from my window) I took a 15 minute break to see how my neighborhood was preparing for the storm and to get a real version of what the storm was doing instead of the media sensationalism. I found that it wasn’t as apocolyptic as everyone said. New Yorkers being dramatic? I’M SHOCKED! *snark snark snark*
Check out pictures below and I’ll be sure to keep everyone updated from Zone A!
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