I just wanted to get that out-of-the-way in case you were worried. How was your Thanksgiving?? Mine was highly caloric and wonderful and I hope yours was as well. In my last post I discussed my extensive menu and I’m proud to say that I prepared almost everything on...
New online magazine alert!!! I wanted to quickly let you guys know that I just started contributing to a new publication called The Flairist – an online website and career portal for young, ambitious women. Here’s a look at their mission statement: To take the shame out of female...
I’m hosting our Thanksgiving this year. Hence the title of this post. I will admit that I lucked out in the sense that I will only be cooking for myself, my aunt, and my mother (if you have no place to eat this holiday, come join us!), but the...
Y’all. I use the word “y’all” so you know I’m serious. Winter Blues has befallen New York City and my little heart can’t take it! Of course this happens every year and eventually I’ll get over it, but for some reason it’s hitting me really hard this year. For...
First things first, I have my internet (and cable) back! I think…it’s safe to say…that my roommates and I have fully recovered from the storm. I am so ready as a Manhattanite to stop talking about it. I’ve noticed that we (myself included) have been using Hurricane Sandy as an excuse...
Oh November…you have been a super weird month and it’s only day 7. I must apologize to you all for disappearing for about a week, but us New Yorkers are still dealing with the effects of Hurricane Sandy. My roommates and I lost power last Monday night, finally got it restored on...